DF S2 First Day Impressions

DF S2 First Day Impressions

Brewmaster feelin' very strong

Not sure if all tanks are feeling this way, or if it's tyrannical week, or if brew is just good. Trash is not really ever lethal even on giga pulls. We have really good boss ability management (better than most tanks). Brew really seems to shine on last boss brackenhide where there is a tank buster similar to 3rd boss of TOJS.

Stagger is also super clutch for when you don't know any of the mechanics and just live things natty that would kill other tanks, heh.

Damage is still really strong. It seems like there is quite a bit more big AOE packs in season 2 with multiple priority dps targets. Obviously, brew shines here.

In general, yeah, brew feeling quite good. Tanky. Doing dam. Good utility. Did I mention how many good TOD targets there are? And how many good places there are for dispel?

Dungeons and routes

All the dungeons feel good. I think freehold, underrot, brackenhide, neltharus are all tied for favorite. Halls of infusion didn't feel as bad as I expected.

This week was a lot of figuring out how to kill bosses.

Some of the dungeons are quite overtuned for their key level. Neltharion's lair worm boss seems particularly difficult. We had to zone out and have everybody spec dispel (we had 3) and that made it quite easy. There was just a lot of figuring out boss mechanics.

Routes are still super much in flux. Basically, we need to figure out where we can skip count. Once that's done we can do more good pulls. Furthermore, on +15-20 keys on tyran, I think there are a lot of casts/abilities that haven't really manifested themselves as mandatory stops. Hopefully in the next couple weeks we figure out some good skips and double pulls.

In general, all the dungeons are super timable on +20 if you can get through it without wiping on bosses. In fact, I'd say the tyran trash feels even more easy than last season. Hopefully fortified feels the same (unlikely, lol).

Bruh, my UI is making so many noises

Big wigs and the reloe weak aura pack are pinging me like crazy. I have so many bars. My plater bar colors all need adjustment. I did some vod review this morning and it took like 2 hours just to prune down all the notifications. It'll feel nice when all set up though :)

Overall S2 is bangin'

The seaons is feeling good. Still a lot to determine with respect to routes and meta. Really hard to say how good brew is going to be until we're pushing top keys and fully geared.

The rest of this week is basically farming 431-441 gear.