S2 - Fortified impressions and recommendations

I spent most of my time today clearing normal and doing some heroic bosses for a chance at tier (I didn't get any). I did have time to farm some wyrm crests (kek) and do a 21 VP and 21 BH before calling it a day.

As expected, on fortified, mobs hit harder (surprise). While I feel out the keys, I went ahead and subbed out my diurna's ring with a 431 vers/mastery or crit mastery ring, my crag tusk with a vers/mastery weapon, and put on some agility main stat trinkets. I still kept on my annulet  All of these small changes add up to make a big difference with how tanky you're going to feel.

Oh, and I definitely am a BIG fan of light brewing this week while I get the feel of things with respect to defensive timing/pull size/dps requirements/pull requirements.

The group I run with is mostly 430-435 and we very very easily had time for both of the 21's despite major trolling and a full wipe in the 21 VP. There is just "enough" dps to easily time keys still while we learn how to actually live them and do good routes.

I would recommend pulling quite a bit smaller this week. Figure out where you can do some nice double pulls - and make sure you have defensives + offensives for them. For example, in the BH - I really toned it down in the tree area and made sure we only had like 4-6 big mobs per pull and that felt really good. Until you prove that your group can't time the key with smaller pulls - keep doing smaller pulls. Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't just do one pack at a time through the dungeon - just be a bit more conservative until you get more comfortable with the dungeons. I'd say packs with casters especially need close attention. Many of the casts that we "didn't notice" getting off last week will 2 shot people this week. So play carefully.

Also, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but brew is banging on AOE, basically one of the dps!

On a side note, since my group only runs with one battle res, I'll be upgrading my bres bracers to 447 (super sadge) instead of crafting nice damage boots - sheesh. Feels bad, but really it's just crazy to not have a backup bres - I'd say it saves our runs like 1 in 10  - way better than a moderate size drip of tank damage.

Lastly, entangling feels fine. I'd say it seems more punishing than raging in general, and it procs a LOT (like every 20-30 seconds). I think there are going to be quiet a few places it's going to create some serious overlaps. At least on the bright side it has lots of counterplay (tiger's lust). And, let's be honest, it's way better than quaking :)

Will have more thoughts this weekend when I get to run some more keys!

Have fun and keep your HP above 0 !